Saturday, 31 December 2011

Fields of Athenry

Well and Confident: Fields of Athenry

Happy New Year

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Do we have a choice?

The earthquake and subsequent tsunami which struck the Fukushima Nuclear Power plant in North Eastern Japan caused massive damage. More than 1000 people were killed and a major relief effort was needed to help the victims. A state of emergency was declared and a 20 Km evacuation zone is in force.

CLICK HERE to find out more

Before this, a concensus of opinion seemed to have developed regarding nuclear power throughout the world and it seemed to be the way forward. The Fukushima incident demonstrates the massive risks involved but do we have a choice?

Thursday, 22 September 2011

free electricity

It is possible to generate free electricity using a magnetic generator.
This could be used to drastically reduce or even eliminate your electricity bill.
It's easy to build, relatively cheap and really works

CLICK HERE for more information

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

It's a no brainer!

Energy prices are increasing rapidly and many people are looking for ways to reduce their fuel bills.
Solar power is a viable alternative and it is not difficult to install a system yourself.
It is easy to reduce your fuel bills dramatically and even produce a surplus to resell to the National Grid.

It's a no brainer!

CLICK HERE to find out what to do

Sunday, 1 May 2011

An Honest Game

Anybody watching the recent Champions League semi-final between Real Madrid and Barcelona would have been appalled by the standard of behaviour on show. The whole game was continually marred by grown men blatantly cheating, feigning injury and showing disrespect to the officials. What's more this behaviour was considered to be normal.

I recommend that any true sports fan watches a game of Rugby League in either the Super League in Europe or the National Rugby League in Australia.

You will see fine athletes competing in exciting games where players actually pretend not to be injured when they actually are.

Friday, 8 April 2011

How to Save Energy and reduce your Fuel Bills

We are all aware of global warming caused by our over dependence on fossil fuels and the need to find some alternative energy sources but can one individual make a contribution or do we need to act collectively?

It is possible for you to install sources of alternative energy in your home and make a difference to the environment but if you are serious about this the first step must be to make your home more energy efficient. Each house is different but some common themes occur including good insulation and the use of energy efficient machines

Make sure your home is properly insulated and if possible install cavity wall insulation. Your loft should be properly insulated in it's entirety to a thickness of at least 270 mm. This will make a big difference and is a requirement if you are thinking of applying for some grants.

Go to the trouble of plugging gaps in the skirting boards to reduce drafts and if possible fit a heavy duty underlay in all downstairs rooms. This will also make a big difference and will be worth the investment. If necessary look on eBay to see if you can get a good price.

Double glazed windows are the easiest way of reducing energy costs and UPVC windows are the cheapest and easiest option. Some people are reluctant for aesthetic reasons despite the improved insulation they provide. One possible alternative is to attach made to measure safety glass around the window with a plastic strip around the edge. The glass sections are screwed in around the frames costing approximately 350 pounds to effectively double glaze the whole house. In the summer, some or all of the glass sections can be taken down and stored behind wardrobes or sofas if necessary. Either way the double glazing will make a massive difference to heat retention in your home.

All external doors should have draft excluders fitted and it is easy to manufacture a homemade draft excluder for the letterbox.

As far as possible, ensure that all your domestic appliances are A rated. If you are looking to buy anything new e.g. a freezer to store vegetables grown in your garden consider the KWh per year instead of just the energy rating. There are companies which sell only AA rated machines and they are well worth supporting.

You can purchase energy saving plugs which can be connected to fridges and freezers and they save electricity by regulating the power to the machine. Unfortunately some appliances are incompatible so a little internet research will enable you to find out more information.

Convert your whole house to use low energy light bulbs by taking advantage of the many offers made by electricity suppliers and DIY stores. Four for 4 pound is not uncommon

Consider installing a gas combi-boiler which will provide instant hot water for showers, baths and heating and is much more efficient. A wood burner is another possibility which can be used for room heating in the winter and boiling water

Place reflective sheets behind each radiator to reflect heat back into the room which cost about 20 pound for a whole house.

Keep the thermostat turned down. Twenty degrees (or less) should be more than sufficient which doesn't seem bad once you get used to it especially if you wear an extra layer.

Global Warming - No Way!

FREE iPhone

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Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Selling Renewable Energy Credits

Selling renewable energy credits is a new and interesting market. Here is some information about selling renewable energy credits and a basic understanding of the market.

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are frequently referred to as Green Tags, Renewable Energy Credits, and/or Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRCs). RECs represent the environmental and economic value of electricity produced from clean, renewable, emission-free energy resources that will never be depleted and are safe for our environment. A REC is not actual energy, just the right to say that you have offset the production of dirty power with clean power.

Producers of green power should consider selling renewable energy credits as well as the power itself, which will increase their profits. Other parties can buy RECs if they need to satisfy regulatory requirements or improve their corporate appearance. When RECs are sold, the organization buying the RECs obtains the right to claim environmental advantage.

Selling renewable energy credits allows energy users across the country to support alternative energy generation. RECs contribute to the growth of the renewable power sector, and with buyer support will continue to help make alternative power even more cost competitive.

In areas which have a REC program, an alternative energy provider (such as a wind farm) is credited with one REC for every 1,000 kWh or one MWh of electricity it creates. The average residential customer uses about 800 kWh per month. A certifying organization gives each REC an exclusive identification number to make sure it isn't sold twice. The green energy is then fed into the electrical grid (by law), and the complementary REC can then be sold on the open market.

Several certification and accounting associations attempt to ensure that RECs are legally sold and correctly tracked. The Climate Neutral Network, Green-e, and the Environmental Resources Trust's EcoPower Program certify RECs. If you are interested in selling renewable energy credits, start with your local electric company or one of these organizations.

There are two main markets for selling renewable energy credits in the United States - compliance markets and voluntary markets. A policy called the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) is responsible for creating the compliance markets. Renewable Portfolio Standard requires electric companies to supply a predetermined percent of their electricity from renewable sources by a specific year.

For example, California electric companies must provide 20% energy from renewable sources by 2010. Electric utilities in these areas with RPSs must demonstrate compliance with their requirements by buying RECs. In the California sample, the electric companies would need to hold RECs equivalent to 20% of their sales.

Want to help companies and property owners go green? Sell your RECs on the voluntary market. Voluntary markets allow customers to purchase renewable power, generally out of a desire to go green. Most commercial and domestic purchases of RECs are voluntary. Alternative power providers can sell their RECs to voluntary buyers, usually at a lower price than compliance market RECs.

Detractors indicate a flaw with this system. It is argued that it does not necessarily replace dirty energy. Since some alternate energy resources, most notably wind resources, are irregular and unpredictable, their production does not replace an equivalent amount of other sources, per kW of capacity. However, they do replace on a per kWh basis, electricity from combustion sources, thus reducing greenhouse gases and undesirable byproducts.

Jeff Fisher is a renewable energy enthusiast. You'll finds tons of helpful green energy information at

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