Friday, 7 November 2014

Noah's Flood: 7 Clues to the Problem It Solved

Mythical Symbolism or Real Event?
Scientists would be hard pressed to prove that Noah's Flood ever happened. In fact, there are numerous problems with the story and no easy solutions. Yet, if God could create the universe, then cleaning up after a little bit of water on a tiny planet should have been no problem.
What kinds of problems exist with the story? Naturally, the most obvious problems involve the extra water which suddenly appeared and then disappeared. Add to that the fact that all species on Earth would not have had simple access to Noah's location. Arctic polar bears and Antarctic penguins would not have had an easy time getting there. On the flip side, Noah would not have had time to round up all land species on his own, in case those species never got the memo. And what about all of the plant species? Some would not last a year or more under the deep, new sea placed on top of all the oceans, continents and mountains of Earth. Fresh water fish might not have been able to survive even a day in the salty ocean. And how would coral reefs have fared being nearly 5 miles under water for an extended period of time?
Could there have been more than one Noah? Could aliens have helped, as they did in the Keanu Reeves movie remake of "The Day the Earth Stood Still?"
Many parts of the Bible are not to be taken literally. Even biblical literalists agree on this point. For instance, Adam and Eve did not die on the day they ate the Forbidden Fruit -- not literally, not physically. And God said they would surely die on that day. Yet, they died spiritually, living physically many hundreds of years afterward.
Let us assume, for a moment, that the Flood was a real event and a worldwide inundation. What was its purpose?
Purpose of the Flood
Arguably, God would not have wiped out all land borne life on a whim. As we've already seen, ordinary violence and wickedness could not have been the problem to be solved.
A brief look at history will show incredible violence in all of the wars and criminal acts of humanity's past. The total quantity of violence has been great, but with the nuclear bombs of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the amplitude of violence has also reached unimaginable heights. Nuclear violence really does garner the sum of all fears.
Genesis 6 also mentions "wickedness" as a possible reason, but this is a rather vague term that can include violence, yet much, much more. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy and many others perpetrated great violence as well as their own special brand of wickedness. None of these types of wickedness could have been the reason for the Flood. After all, God did say that he would never again use the Flood. Whatever the problem it was intended to solve, it seems that the Flood did its job sufficiently, otherwise God would never have promised never again to use the Flood.
Apparently, the reason for the Flood was something Man could never again repeat, otherwise the Flood would seem to have been based on fickle reasoning. Today, you're condemned for wickedness, but tomorrow it's all okay.
In order to narrow down the reason for the Flood, perhaps understanding God's purpose would help. Perhaps something had threatened that purpose. And perhaps the Flood was created to eliminate that threat. These are all reasonable assumptions.
Genesis 3 gives us a clue. This is where it talks about the Forbidden Fruit. This is where Adam and Eve die a spiritual death. The entire intent of the Bible seems to be one of restoring the spiritual life of God's children. God wants His children back.
The Importance of Homo sapiens and Civilization
"Dead immortals" sounds every bit an oxymoron. "Sleeping immortals" proves to be a more palatable term. Awakening spiritual beings might prove to be a difficult undertaking. How much can you get done in your dreams? Can you balance your checkbook? Can you work out problems in advanced mathematics? Can you compose a speech for work? Dreams are skittish at best. The landscape is unsettled and malleable. Discussing and planning complex things requires continuity of consciousness. The dreams of the sleeping immortals have been replaced with the consciousness of their new, Homo sapiens bodies.
The bodies alone are not enough. These bodies need the freedom to pursue such activities as philosophy, logic, theology, spirituality and religion. As primitive hunter-gatherers, Man would not have had that freedom. This requires civilization. This requires the development of writing, education and the time to pursue such things.
Without civilization, Man would otherwise be spending close to 99% of his waking hours getting food and shelter.
Genesis Timeline
Thousands of scholars have attempted to decipher the Bible and all of its enigmas. More than two thousand years of research have been invested. Irish Archbishop Ussher published in 1650 AD the results of his research into a Genesis timeline. According to his findings, humanity and the universe began 4004 BC. The Flood supposedly happened 2348 BC.
There are many things wrong with this Flood date. For one, there were too many people on Earth at this date and shortly thereafter. Three years after this date, Egypt started its 6th dynasty. Thirteen years after this date, Sargon the Great conquered Sumer, creating an empire which stretched from the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf. If Noah and his family were the only ones on Earth at that time, then from where did all of those imperial subjects come?
Science tells us that Homo sapiens has been around for something like 200,000 to 250,000 years. A generation ago, this figure was closer to 50,000 years. If the longevity of the early patriarchs have any real value in developing a timeline, then we need to multiply each of their ages by some factor or set of factors. Recent research found these needed factors. And the Flood was discovered to have occurred 27,970 BC by this new Genesis timeline.
The Daughters of Men
If the "sons of God" are immortal spirit wrapped in Homo sapiens flesh, then the "daughters of men," mentioned in Genesis 6, must have been a different species. Genesis 6 goes out of its way to make a distinction between the two groups, and it seems obvious that the difference was much more than one of gender.
The "sons of God" found the "daughters of men" to be fair, and took them as their wives. They had children, and this led to great wickedness, violence and a corruption of flesh. It was a corruption which only the Flood could cleanse.
7 Clues to what the Flood may have Solved

  • Genesis discusses violence, wickedness and a corruption of flesh, but ordinary forms of these could not have been behind the purpose of the Flood.
  • God said that He would never again use the Flood, so this means that Man likely has not been able to repeat the crime for which the Flood was created.
  • Genesis 1:26 tells us that Man was created in God's image, yet Genesis 2:7 tells us that Man was created from the dust of the ground. The "sons of God" would thus seem to be immortal (though sleeping) spirit wrapped in Homo sapiens flesh.
  • God's purpose on Earth would seem to be that of awakening His spiritual children. Homo sapiens and civilization seem important to that purpose. And it seems that something threatened God's purpose.
  • Recent exegetical research points to a new Genesis timeline compatible with those from science. The Flood occurred 27,970 BC.
  • Genesis 6 points to the "daughters of men" and their offspring with the "sons of God" being involved in the reason for the Flood. These "daughters" were not Homo sapiens, but looked enough like them to be called "fair."
  • The last clue comes from science. Approximately 28,000 BC, the species Homo neanderthalensis ceased to exist. If Neanderthal man and their hybrid offspring with humans did not have the ability to create civilization, then they were the wickedness and corruption of flesh mentioned in Genesis. Noah's Flood had targeted them. Human procreation with Neanderthals is no longer possible. The Flood did its job.

The Details Behind the Research
Many years of research led to these clues. The details behind this research are covered in a book currently in development called, The Noah Mystery, God's Reason for the Flood.
Spiritual Meaning
God's love is unconditional and unending. Humans do not always understand God's love, but that love is always there. Human suffering and Noah's Flood do not detract from that love. These Homo sapiens bodies are important, but not for the reasons we humans usually give them. They are a means to an end -- to awaken God's sleeping and immortal children. If the body suffers or dies, the immortal spirit remains unharmed. If the spirit awakens, then continuity of consciousness becomes permanent despite bodily death. With spiritual awakening, the child of God regains everlasting life -- exactly what the Nazarene teacher had promised.
"There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy" -- Shakespeare's Hamlet

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Friday, 10 October 2014

The Genesis Flood - Where Did the Water Come From?

Other Extra Water Sources
The Genesis Flood reached a height of 15 cubits above the highest mountain on earth.
Gen. 7:17 And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth.
Gen. 7:18 And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the face of the waters.
Gen. 7:19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
Gen. 7:20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.
By Sir Isaac Newton's definition of a cubit, that is more than 30 feet. Many geologists who believe the literal account of the Genesis Flood are convinced that much of the heaving up of the high mountains may have occurred after the waters stopped rising, so that the depth of the water could have been far less than it would have to be to do that same thing today. Others feel that the elevating of the mountains was caused by the breaking up of the fountains of the deep when the gushing out of high pressure, juvenile waters were causing volcanic and earthquake activity. (Juvenile waters are the young waters or the waters just newly introduced to the atmosphere from their tomb under the earth's crust.) In any event, even at the lower mountain levels, it took an incredible amount of water to cover the earth in that manner. Where did the extra water come from? Is it in any way reasonable to believe that so much extra water could have been found to cause such a phenomenon?
Plenty of Water for the Flood
Notwithstanding notions to the contrary by opportunistic historic geologists and other atheistic scientists who believe that the Biblical account is vulnerable at this point, there were such water sources. Not only that, but an understanding of where the water came from and where it went to after the Flood fits perfectly into the Biblical record and the geological record that we observe today.
No Rain in the Antediluvian World
In the Antediluvian world there had been no rain. A mist went up every morning and watered the whole face of the earth. Every person who has studied the fossils is forced to agree that the whole earth was once much warmer than it is now. The Polar Regions were once lush grasslands. The coal deposits bear historic record that rich vegetation flourished on the earth in the early days. One coal deposit, it is generally agreed, bears record of a layer of vegetation 400 feet thick. This vegetation, we believe, was swept into place by the flood waters and buried by sediment. Even so, the availability of such vegetation speaks of a time when the earth was covered much more deeply in richer soils, and the climate was such that it grew in much greater density. The incredible Mammoth grave yards in the Polar Regions and of Siberia and Alaska (a matter which historic geologists, historic paleontologists, and proponents of the evolutionary theory always understate and play down) testify that abundant animal life was grazing in what were then tropical regions when the swift and catastrophic Flood came upon them.
The Great Moisture Canopy
These things tell us of a canopy of moisture that surrounded the earth, holding in the radiant heat and filtering out harmful radiation from the sun. Some scientists have put forth the theory that such a filtering out of the harmful rays could account for the great longevity of the ancients. The falling of the canopy allowed harmful rays to reach the earth in greater quantity and concentration, and this started the gradual reduction of longevity. Orthodox theologians are content on this subject to say that the shortening of the years was due to God's judgement and mercy. We consider other, more apologetic explanations to be a weakening of that Biblical truth. But in any case, most all agree that the water canopy was there.
The Waters Above the Firmament
Some scientists believe that this is the meaning of Genesis 1:7. This, they feel, is telling us that there was a canopy of water in the earth's atmosphere. Other Orthodox Christian Theologians do not believe that this can be the meaning of Genesis 1:7, or at least not the whole meaning. Genesis 1:15 says that the waters are above the sun, the moon and the stars because the waters were above the firmament and the sun, the moon, and the stars are in the firmament.
The Great River and the Four Rivers
The evident conclusion that one draws from Genesis 2:5, 6, and 10 is that a great river flowed out of the earth, watered the Garden, flowed out of the Garden, and divided into four large rivers that went forth into the whole earth that was all one connected land mass in those days (and yes, there are geological and paleontological testimonies to support this too). From these rivers a mist rose up every morning and watered all of the ground. Granted it was not an intense irrigation, but then if it happened every day the ground did not need to be soaked. The climate was tropical and the temperatures were very warm. In this way a canopy of water vapor was lifted up and suspended in the atmosphere.
The Water-Bearing Capacity of the Thermosphere
It is universally recognized that air at about 80 miles up is very hot - from 100 to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. For this reason it is called the Thermosphere. At such temperatures it can hold tremendous volumes of water vapor. Since the water vapor does not displace the air, the amount of water that can be suspended is not determined by the amount of air present in the same space. Water vapor weighs only 0.622% as much as air. Without nuclei of condensation (particles for rain drops to form on) the water vapor would stay suspended indefinitely. The most common condensation nuclei is salt from the ocean and since there was no rain-and-evaporation cycle to lift the salt from the sea (if indeed there was any salt to speak of in the antediluvian sea; a much smaller body of water and far less turbid than the post-diluvian ocean because there was no runoff from the land into the sea) there was nothing to cause it to rain. Such water vapor is transparent and cannot be seen, but it does filter out harmful sun rays. There was plenty of room in the atmosphere for the amount of water needed to cause the flood, to be suspended as a canopy. Morris -Whitcomb says, in The Genesis Flood, page 256:
"There is no question that a vapor blanket of indefinitely great extent could be supported by the lower atmosphere.... Furthermore, the amount of vapor that could be maintained in any given volume of space in the vapor blanket would not be significantly affected by the presence of air or other gases in the region."
Other Extra Water Sources
Another source of enormous quantities of water was the mammoth subterranean pools trapped under the non-fractured seal of the earth's crust. When the fountains of the deep were broken up, probably by volcanic action and earthquakes cracking the crust, great volumes of high-pressure water rushed out. According to Genesis 8, verse 2, this releasing of subterranean waters from the earth's crust went on for forty days--or at least synonymous with the closing of the windows of heaven--before the fountains of the deep were stopped. Again I quote from Morris-Whitcomb and The Genesis Flood, page 122:
"Great volcanic explosions and eruptions are clearly implied in the statement, 'all the fountains of the deep were broken up.' This must mean that great quantities of liquids, perhaps liquid rocks of magmas, as well as water (probably steam), had been confined under great pressure below the surface rock structure of the earth since the time of its formation and that this mass now burst forth through great fountains, probably both on lands and under the seas."
So the water necessary to flood the whole earth to a depth of 30 or more feet above the highest mountain came from the tremendous canopy of water vapor surrounding the earth; and from the water described by the Bible as the fountains of the deep--in other words, waters stored beneath the earth's crust and released by upheavals, earthquakes, and volcanic activity. This is indeed what the Bible says: "The windows of heaven were opened and the fountains of the deep were broken up."
What caused the canopy of water vapor to fall? God caused it to fall as a judgement. Are there any natural causes He might have used that we are aware of? The process could have been triggered by anything that would have introduced particles into the vapors. That would include such things as a meteor shower. Pollution from the huge population of the earth finally reaching to those heights could have been involved. Or perhaps dust from a great volcano, the eruption of which was timed by God for this event. But these things are not known to us and it is not necessary to know them or we would have been told.
The Universality of the Flood
That the Bible describes this as a universal flood is plainly evident by the normal sense of language:
"And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them...And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth...And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die...and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth...And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth. And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the face of the waters. And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered. Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered. And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man: All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died. And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark." (Genesis 6:7, 13, 17; 7:4, 7:17-23)
In I Peter 3:20 the Apostle said that only eight souls were saved, and in II Peter 3:6: "Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished."
The Chronology of the Flood
The downpour of rain and the spewing of water by the great fountains of the deep lasted for forty days, but the flood level continued to be above the highest mountain for 150 days. Some Bible-believing scientists hold that the Flood, in the following 110 days, maintained its level as a result of the fountains of the deep continuing to flow for another 110 days. These things are difficult to sort out and we do not make light of any legitimate attempt to come to grips with this great story and these enormous events. Even so, chapter 8, verse 2 says that both sources of water were stopped simultaneously and that the waters receded from day 40 to day 150, at which time they had receded enough so that the Ark could come to rest in the 17th day of the seventh month, which was 150 days after it all began.
Isostasy, Tectonic Activity, and Other Strange Goings On
During this time, the ocean's bottom was sinking due to the fracturing of the earth's crust, the voids left by the escaping water and volcanic material, and the enormous weight of the huge accumulation of sediment. This in turn was pushing up the mountains by the principle of isostasy, which means balancing off of forces, especially weight, so that there is a condition of equal pressure on all sides, or a hydrostatic equilibrium. Another way of putting it is that when something heavy pushed down the surface of the earth in one spot, something lighter was pushed up in another. It can be analogized as trying to put an inflated inner-tube in a tire that is too small for it. If you push it in at one place, it will pop out at another.
The Prevailing Waters of the Flood
The water vapor canopy had fallen and the fountains of the deep were stopped at the end of forty days. For another 110 days the water prevailed. The word prevailed, is the Hebrew word gabar (gaw-bar'),which means: to be haughty, to exalt one's self, to lift up, to mount up, to be proud, to raise up great height, to go upward. It is true that the phrase to be haughty could mean to refuse to subside, or to stand one's ground, but the text says to the effect that they continued to cover the earth, though they were subsiding.
The Raging, Mighty Wind
After 140 days and for the duration of the 150 days and perhaps longer, God caused a great wind not only to blow, but to pass over the whole earth according to verse 1 of chapter 8. The word for wind is ruwach (roo'-akh). It is quite versatile in what it means. It can mean anger, a blast, or something very destabilizing. The purpose of this wind was to cause the waters to assuage. It is the Hebrew word shakak (shaw-kak') and it carries with it the thought of hiding, secreting, weaving over, or trapping. It seems to say that the waters were going back into hiding, i.e. into the earth from whence they came and being sealed off again by the sediments or the shifting bottom. God caused this wind to pass over the earth. This is an interesting phrase. The word pass is the Hebrew `abar (aw-bar'). It is one of those primary root words which have a multitude of meanings. It means to transition over, to cover, to crisscross, to alienate, to alter, to meddle, to overrun, to make to go away, to provoke to anger, wrath, to transgress, or the way of the wayfarer. The word for over is the Hebrew 'al (al). It is a preposition and it means over, above, against, beside, between, beyond, because of, concerning, through and a host of other like expressions. It is the word used by King David in Psalm 42:7, when he said: "Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me." He used it again when he said, in Psalm 124:5, "Then the proud waters had gone over our soul." In these passages the Holy Ghost used the language of the Great Deluge to dramatize the depths of Christ's suffering in hell and of the awesome fear and destruction of one being triumphed over by his enemies.
The Receding Waters of the Flood
Verse 3 says that the waters returned continually from off the earth. The word returned is the Hebrew shuwb (shoob)and it means: to turn back, to return to the starting point, to retreat, to go home again, to refresh, to restore, to go backward, to withdraw. The word continually is halak (haw-lak')and it means to go forward, go around, go about, to depart, to return, to come, to go, backward, forward, to go too and fro, and to roam. In verse 7 we are told that the waters were dried up. This is the word yabesh (yaw-bashe') which means ashamed, confused, disappointing, withered away.
Together with the word wind we can very legitimately and very necessarily put together this interpretation: God, in His anger, caused a great furious blast to rage over the whole earth for five months or more, driving the confused waters in all directions with great speed and force, thoroughly ripping apart, destroying, washing clean, and reshaping the whole face of the earth.
This whipping to and fro of this unfathomable mass of shoreless waters by the great wind caused them to either go back into the earth to be sealed off again or to be withered by evaporation back up into the canopy from whence they fell. This was a violent, turbulent, and confused sea. It wandered aimlessly like a wayfarer, its great currents from all parts of the earth, slamming violently into land masses, and going back out again, until it lowered enough that the surface could be seen.
But the earth at this point had no low grounds or sprouting shrubs and plants. It was a wasted, muddy mess. Ten days later the lowlands, or the mud flats, were visible and plant life had started to grow. The dove found food and nesting and did not come back. Even so, the word for dried in verse 13 is the Hebrew charab (khaw-rab'or chareb (khaw-rabe')which means: desolate, destroyed, decayed, and wasted. It was a desolation of decay and death, which were everywhere. This verse means only to tell us that the waters had receded off of the land, or ground.
The Earth Begins to Dry
In verse 14, which was 50 days later, the earth was dried. Here the word is again yabesh (yaw-bashe'). It was a grim, shameful, disappointing scene of destruction and confusion; but the waters had withered or evaporated away so that Noah, his family, and the animals could get out of the Ark.
The Chronology of the Flood from Start to Finish
So the chronology of the Great Flood was this:
1. The rains fell and the fountains of the deep flowed for 40 days, at which time the great wind came and the waters began to assuage, though they continued to cover the highest mountain for another 110 days to the 150th day.
2. At the end of the 40 days and during the 110 days the waters began to either go back into the crust of the earth (not as much as had come out because the sinking ocean floor had diminished the size of the voids) or to be evaporated back up as a canopy (never to come anywhere near the size of the original canopy as we shall see).
3. On the 224th day the tops of the mountains could be seen.
4. Forty days later, on the 10th of November, or the 10th day of the eleventh month, which was the 264th day, Noah sent out a raven and a dove through a window in the Ark. The raven was apparently able to feed on the carrion floating on the water and to find some place to rest, presumably in the mountains or on the top of the Ark, so he never returned; but because there was no nesting places and no vegetation for food, the dove came back.
5. On the 271st day Noah sent out the dove again, and it came back with the olive leaf.
6. 7 days later he sent out the dove yet again, and it did not come back.
7. On the 1st day of the 601st year, Noah removed the cover from the Ark but the ground areas were too muddy and sloppy to go out onto. He waited until the 27th day of the 2nd month of the 601st year and then went out of the Ark, at which time the ground was dry enough to start cultivating and building on.
How Long Was Noah In The Ark?
So how long was Noah in the Ark? If a year was 365 days long, he was in the Ark 375 days from the 17th day of the 2nd month of the 600th year until the 27th day of the 2nd month of the 601st year.
However, some Bible scholars say that the Hebrew calendar only had 30 days in a month. This would seem to be borne out by verse 4 of chapter 8 which says that from the 2nd month and the 17th day to the 7th month and the 17th day was a time space of exactly 150 days, though by our calendar that would be 151 days. If that scenario is true, the time in the Ark would be 370 days. These are things I am not sure about, but I do know that it was from the 17th day of the year 600 until the 27th day of the year 601, or in other words, a year and 10 days. The Ark was moving upon the waters for 150 of those days until it came to rest on Mt. Ararat.
Was Ararat Really Ararat?
It is by no means clear what mountain range was being identified as the mountains of Ararat in those days. This was the time when there was no division of nations, let alone an Armenia. And it does not help to look to Moses' day, because there was no Armenia then, either. The word Ararat is an obscure word and may have some other meaning entirely.
How High Were The Mountains?
And then there are men, like Dr. Henry M. Morris of the Institute for Creation Research, who believe that the furious wind and the receding of the waters into the crust caused great tectonic activity during the time that the waters were receding. Tectonic activity makes reference to the changing of the earth's surface and includes the heaving up of the mountain ranges. Everyone believes that the mountains where heaved up at some point, and there is no time in verifiable history when the instability of the surface of the earth combined with the necessary and obviously capable forces to do this very work. Many mountains may have been raised to heights much higher than the one where the Ark rested during the following seven months. We must, however, to be consistent with the Scriptures, say that the mountains of Ararat, wherever they were and whatever is meant by them, were the highest mountains on earth at the moment that the Ark came to rest on them. No mountains were uncovered for another 73 days. By far the greatest volume of water that had to be removed was comprehended in the first 73 days. The volume decreased dramatically and astronomically as the level lowered.
I live in California in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. These are some of the highest mountains in the original 48 states. On the very top of passes like Tioga and Sonora, both of which are principally 10,000 feet where the road crosses with peaks to more that 14,000, there are water marks on the faces of the high cliffs and clams fossilized in the tops of rocks. Both of these phenomena own their genesis to a universal flood that covered the whole earth and receded very rapidly. A slow recession of the waters would have laved away the slimes and saline solution necessary for the clams to fossilize. One will find no fossils on tops of rocks at the sea shore. And then, too, of course, it had to be a time when there were no sea birds to find the clams and eat them. These phenomena along with hundreds of other factors attest to the reality of the great Flood to any honest person who is seeking truth. As for historic geologists and paleontologists, wisdom is justified of her children.
I have 29 books on most of the New Testament and all of Genesis published on Kindle page. This text can be read on Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad, blackberry, all Kindle devices, and a few others. Covers, Titles, and a short piece about the book can be viewed prior to purchase. All information and needed software is available at the amazon site. To access, go to, pull down "Kindle page" with the drop down arrow in the left hand text box and put my name, Earl Cripe, in the right hand text box.

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Friday, 5 September 2014

The Genesis Flood - A Biblical/Scientific Explanation of Its Cause

Most of us are familiar with the story of Noah's Flood in the Bible and I suspect many think it is just a myth with no historic or scientific basis but still makes a good picture story book for little children. The concept of a flood that supposedly completely submerged the entire land surface of the Earth for over a year is certainly a very difficult one to understand and accept. But for those who believe that the Bible is the word of God, Noah's Flood is a historic truth that gives an account of a major catastrophe that occurred some 4400 years ago which killed, by drowning, millions of people and all land based animal and bird life. Some believers think it was an extremely violet catastrophe that not only killed off all life on land but also resurfaced the earth's land mass with new layers of sediments hundreds of metres thick. Other believers are more cautious in their interpretation and accept that the flood did take place but it was a local affair that affected only a small region of the land in Noah's neighbourhood leaving only very minor flood deposits.
There is clearly a big difference in opinion on this subject so can the real truth be known? I believe it can and what I have set out to do in this article is to give an explanation for the cause of the Flood which is based not only on what we know about our planet but also on a careful analysis of what the Bible actually tells us about the flood.. First we need to look at some important features of the Earth we live on.
The 'flexible' foundations of the Earth
Our planet is in some respects like a huge ball with a highly pressurized interior that is constrained by a relatively thin spherical shell made from hard basaltic rock. The scientific term for this shell is lithosphere (3) (meaning a sphere of rock) and the Bible calls this the 'foundations of the Earth' (Job 38:4) (1). The reason why the Bible uses the term 'foundations' is because it supports not only the oceans but also the continents which are both late additions to our planet.(2) Another function of the foundations is to protect the continents and the ocean from the heat and radiation which is continuously being generated by the decay of radioactive elements in the earth's interior. The Bible warns us about this heat (Deut.32:22) which at some time in the near future will result in another global disaster which will be far worse than Noah's Flood.
The foundations were originally continuous when first laid (2) but have now cracked under pressure into what are called plates (Ps.82:5). They have therefore become fairly flexible now and capable of being stretched out if the pressure acting underneath them increases.
If this pressure increase was globally uniform the foundations would stretch out uniformly and form a very slightly larger sphere. If this happened the result would be a shallower ocean worldwide. However if the pressure was not uniformly applied the foundations would become very slightly egg shaped. So one extremely important and relevant feature of our planet is that it can change shape (Job38:14) from being reasonably spherical to slightly ellipsoidal and this can make a vast difference to the depth of the overlying ocean in any given area. Hence shallow oceans can become very much deeper and the reverse is also true if the Earth changes shape. Evidence for several major sea level changes in the past is plentiful as all professional geologists know.
Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are both manifestations of the heat and pressure that is being constantly generated deep below the ground we walk upon and we are reminded of this fairly frequently by news reports from round the world.
The supercontinent Pangaea
The next thing we need to consider is how the continents of the globe were distributed in Noah's time. Scientists are now generally agreed that all of our present continents were once joined up in a roughly G shaped supercontinent called Pangaea (5) which covered about a third of the Earth's surface area. The Bible agrees with this and calls the supercontinent 'Earth'(Gen.1:10). The Bible also tells us (Ps.24:1-3) about the spectacular manner in which the supercontinent was formed on top of the foundations in the long distant past.
While we now know that Pangaea eventually broke up to form the present continents the Bible tells us that this happened much more recently and rather more quickly than most scientists believe. According to the Bible the division of the supercontinent was only four generations after Noah's Flood (Gen.10:25). What this means is that Pangaea was the land area affected by Noah's Flood. This would make sense from a biblical viewpoint because Pangaea had been totally submerged only about 1600 years before Noah's time. (Gen.1:10) and this submergence is recognized by some bible scholars as Lucifer's Flood.
So the important point is that the Flood in Noah's time was not the first submergence of the supercontinent. In fact the geological evidence suggests that there have been several submergence and re-emergence episodes of Pangaea in the long distant past.(3)
Having been dipped in and out of water several times in the past (2Pet.3:5) Pangaea consisted of mainly flat land barely above sea level with some 'high hills' (Gen.7:19) but no high mountains such as Mt Everest.
The Firmament
Next we come to a former very major feature of our planet that most readers will probably not have heard about before and may have some difficulty in believing it because it no longer exists. This was a remnant of the last ice age and was gigantic dome of ice that spanned over Pangaea. It is referred to in the Bible as the Firmament (Gen.1:6-8) and all of the second day of the Genesis creation account was devoted to its creation. We also know about it from many legendary accounts recorded by peoples from throughout the world who lived in the few centuries after the flood when it was still in place (4). A very detailed account of the formation of this stupendous structure is given in my book (2)
The Firmament is of some relevance to understanding Noah's Flood because it was in place before, during, and for some time after, the flood and actually controlled the flood waters. In the biblical account of the flood the Firmament is referred to as 'heaven' and this name change from Firmament to Heaven took place in (Gen.1:8)
The cause of Noah's Flood
With a description of the main features of the Earth in Noah's time we can now go on to explain the cause of the flood which fully submerged the supercontinent and partly submerged the dome of the Firmament. Briefly Noah's Flood was caused when the shape of our planet changed from being near spherical to slightly ellipsoidal. This change was due to a non uniform increase in the pressure under the foundations and. the foundations became very slightly egg shaped. This resulted in the ocean bed being raised in a wide band round the Earth which caused a division of the worlds single ocean into two smaller but much deeper oceans separated from each other by the wide band of very shallow sea or even dry ocean floor. On this band the foundations rose above sea level thus allowing sea water to drain into off into one or other of the two areas on both sides of the band where the foundations had become depressed into huge and deep circular basins. Water is obliged to form a sphere round the Earth but the solid foundations can become ellipsoidal for a short while.
During the flood Pangaea became submerged under one of the two deepened oceans and it this submergence that we call Noah's Flood.
Biblical verses in support of the proposed hypothesis for Noah's Flood
As explained above the flood was caused when the foundations of the Earth lost its near spherical shape for a while. This mechanism for the Flood has strong biblical support which can best be understood by considering the verses that relate to the Flood in the order given in Genesis
(Gen.6:5-7) God decides to destroy all living land forms 'from the face of the earth meaning all land life on Pangaea is condemned.
(Gen.6:15) God instructs Noah to construct a huge four deck Ark some 120 years before the start of the Flood. This implies the Flood covered the whole of Pangaea otherwise God would simply have asked Noah to move on to a safe area.
Noah enters the ark as sea levels begin to rise and floods the neighbourhood. Actually it was the ocean bed that began to subside.
Most of the land surface is now covered with shallow water which gradually increases in depth.
The water depth in both oceans increases as it receives water from areas where the foundations are still rising The exposed raised ocean bed begins to crack up. Water enters the cracks and turns quickly into steam. This results in the formation of thousands of geysers called 'fountains of the great deep' (Gen.7:11).
The steam from the geysers disperses throughout the planet and condenses into water on top of the Firmament which has also become cracked by being stretched. Rain water thus flows through the windows of heaven and falls over the entire supercontinent continuously for forty days..
Sea levels still continue to increase. All the land that was under the whole heaven (the Firmament) is now underwater.
Pangaea remains totally submerged for five months.
( Gen.8.3)
As pressure under the foundations is released the geysers are shut off and the Earth returns slowly to its normal shape.
The depth of water over Pangaea begins to decrease slowly and continues to do so for the next three months.
The Ark runs aground on the newly formed Mt Ararat (alt.5165m) and the family see the tops of other mountains for the first time..
After spending one year and ten days in the ark Noah and his family leave the Ark to make a new life. It takes over a year for the foundations of the Earth to change shape from spherical to ellipsoidal and back again.
From the above verses it is clear that all of the flood water came from the ocean at the start and returned to the ocean at the end.. The rain that fell was ocean water that had first turned into steam in the sea floor geysers and then condensed into pure water. The contribution of this water to the Flood waters was quite negligible.
The consequences of the Flood
The flood was indeed global in that it submerged a large part of the supercontinent which was under the Firmament. It is however possible that there were animals and birds and human beings on volcanic islands and parts of Pangaea that was outside the Firmament which escaped being flooded. Before the flood the supercontinent had only some high hills but during the flood some mountains could have been formed as a result of upheavals of the Earth's foundations. All the very high mountains like the Andes and Himalayas were formed as a result of continental drift which took place at least four generations after the flood according to the Bible. Apart from the above, the geological consequences of the flood alone may be regarded as minimal. The sea level rose slowly and fell slowly. All living forms that lived under the Firmament would have been killed by drowning and their remains would have rotted away in the ocean or been scavenged by aquatic life. The presence of the Firmament dome would have slowed down the rise and fall of sea level and would also have prevented the then land surface from being covered with new sediments. Hence Noah's Flood did not allow any fossils to be formed. All fossils found on the Earth today were formed during previous submergence episodes during a very long period of time known by serious Bible scholars as the First Earth Age (5)
Some problems with the Flood
Sceptics of the Genesis Flood story question other aspects of the flood and so to finish this article a few comments on these.
Building the Ark
Noah had 120 years to do the job using locally grown timber which was in great abundance in the subtropical climate under the Firmament. Adam's first Son built a city, and his great grandchildren made musical instruments like flutes and harps and there were craftsmen in bronze and iron (Gen.4:17-22) even at that time. Hence the people who lived many centuries before and after Noah were technologically very advanced. Noah had the expertise to build a very large buoyant structure that only had to stay afloat for about a year without going anywhere.
Food for the family and animals
Noah was instructed to take on board food for the family and the animals (Gen.6:21)
By this time the art of preservation of food by drying would have been well established so huge stocks of low volume dehydrated food could have been taken on board and hydrated to feed the family and animals as required. The food was required by the animals only to stay alive while not using much energy in their confinement. Fish and other sea food including edible sea weeds would have always been in plentiful supply anyway.
Animal numbers
The climate under the Firmament was uniform everywhere so samples of all the species alive at the time were readily available close to where the Ark was built. Noah was instructed to take male and female of each kind to 'keep the species alive on the face of all the earth' (Gen7:3) Species have no doubt changed on the Earth since Noah's time and hence today we probably have a much richer variety of species than in Noah's time. Hence the task of collecting live specimens for the Ark would not have been too difficult. After their release from the Ark the animals spread out throughout the still intact supercontinent and adapted to new environmental conditions when the Firmament eventually disintegrated and Pangaea broke up into the continents we have today.

  1. All scripture verses mentioned are taken from the New King James Version of the Bible. Thomas Nelson Publishers 1991
  2. Pimenta L.R. 'The Firmament of the sky dome' Matatdor Publishers Kibworth Beauchamp 2012 ISBN 9781780882017
  3. Duff D Holmes' Principles of Physical Geology Chapman & Hall 4th Ed 1993
  4. Seeley P 'The Firmament and the water above' The Westminster Theological Journal 53(1991) p.227-40 (available on the internet in 2012)
  5. There are now several hundred sites on the Internet which deal with the First Earth Age

A fuller background to this article is given in my book 'The Firmament of the Sky Dome'.

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Saturday, 14 June 2014

The Great Flood - A Universal Myth Or a Common Historical Memory?

The supporters of the Bible take the Great Flood to account for the present state of Earth as the waters caused, in their opinion, the formation of deep valleys and canyons and the rise in the range of mountains. Then the waters drained in the hollows resulted from the elevation of the mountainous platforms. Opposed to this theory of immediate alterations in Earth's relief, scientists adopt the perspective of gradual processes that stretched across millions if not billions of years in order to produce today's planet state. Nevertheless, they don't exclude the fact there was indeed a flood, but not a global one.
What is intriguing is that the Bible is not the only ancient text speaking of such natural disasters. There are other cultures around the world that have legends related to big floods. Some of these civilizations are even in the same geographical region, namely the Middle East. In 1872, this area was the site of an astounding discovery: an ancient text that related a story very similar to that from Genesis. Written on a clay tablet that was excavated from the site of Kuyunjik (Mesopotamia), the text is a part of a greater document called the Epic of Gilgamesh.
In this saga, an immortal man called Utnapishtim narrates to Gilgamesh a story which is strikingly similar to that of Noah. According to this narrative, Utnapishtim replaces Noah and follows the instructions of the gods to build a boat that will save him and his family from a great flood that will be inflicted upon earth and humans because of their vicious lifestyle. The rain lasts only seven days, the boat comes to rest on a mountain and, upon disembarkation, Utnapishtim brings an offering to the gods on an altar. The similarity is baffling, making researchers ask themselves whether this is a confirmation of the biblical text or it is just a distorted version. On the other hand, there is the possibility of the author of the Genesis to have borrowed from the Epic of Gilgamesh. Or are the two texts just separate illustrations of a wider regional myth, legend or historical memory?
Ed is an experienced internet marketer and he is writing for You can find additional info about Ed by accessing Airbrush Tanning Systems website.

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